Dear Job: Be My Valentine?

Posted: February 14th, 2018

Dear Job: Be My Valentine?

Love my JOB? WHAT? (Read more.)

Written by: David J. Volk, Esq. | February 14, 2018

You can have more than one love and spread your love around. Don’t you remember buying boxes of cards to give out when you were a kid? And, did you ever give the Valentine’s Day candies shaped like hearts with cute slogans?

If you love something, it is more likely to love you back. Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love (with a little known shout out to St. Valentine who got the whole thing rolling).

There are of course different kinds of love. At heart though, they all revolve around our selfless rather than our selfish spirit. How do we get more fully to a sense of selflessness towards our job (or business) so that it will more likely than not return the favor?

It begins with gratitude. If we love someone or something, we should be grateful for it. We are higher achievers when we live with a sense of gratitude. Writing in Your Best Year Ever, Michael Hyatt explains that principal starting at page 89 by telling us that gratitude will help us achieve our goals. Discussing research on the subject, he tells us “Emmons and Mishra crafted a study comparing grateful and non-grateful goal striving. … The grateful participants were significantly closer than others to achieving their goals. … Gratitude enhances effortful goal striving.” Gratitude, he says:

  1. Keeps us hopeful by keeping “us positive, optimistic, and able to keep coming back.”
  2. Reminds us we have Agency: since the object of our gratitude has given us gifts, we know there can be more to come through our positive actions.
  3. Improves our patience because we believe, having seen gifts, we know more can come our way.
  4. Expands our responses since ‘we’re more resourceful, creative, generous, optimistic, and kind.”

This ties in with the rule of attraction described in The Secret whereby you manifest good things in your life when you think about it in positive terms. Most of us are also familiar with the related concept of the power of positive thinking.

However you describe it, you will change your outcomes for the better when you exhibit a positive attitude towards the object of your affections.




David Volk, a Business Litigation Attorney with Volk Law Offices, P.A., has 30 years’ experience and can be reached at or by visiting VolkLaw online at 

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